OK, so China’s factory produced toys that were deemed unsafe for kids. Lead paint was used and falling magnets that kids can swallow were on some of the toys. However, it is turning out that Mattel, the company that issued the massive recall was partly at fault. The falling magnets were caused by Mattel’s design flaw and Chinese manufacturers were made to look bad. Mattel apologized but in my opinion, the sorry came quite late. It simply wasn’t issued early enough. It’s a good thing that China took the late apology quite well and no fiery complaints followed. Perhaps, the government realized that their factories are accountable for most of the blame.
A columnist for a Philippine newspaper talks about the costs and massive preparations required by the US Secret Service whenever President Bush and other (US Presidents) travel outside of Washington DC. I remember watching a CNN report that showed how big a US presidential convoy is, compared to the two vehicle transport being used by Prime Minister Tony Blair of the UK.