In past articles, we featured energy efficient automobiles and now, let us showcase other earth friendly products and services.
In today’s world where renewable energy, energy conservation and clean environment are gaining wider popularity, here’s a site worthy of mention in this blog. features top quality eco friendly products that fits people’s requirements such as style and durability.
With Greenandmore, people need spend on dry cell batteries because it of its hand crank LED flashlight that does not lose power even when stocked for a long time. Is your home’s halogen security light costing you an arm and a leg? Get upset no more for the site offers basically the same performance but does cost anything to operate. In addition, the product does not require any charging and therefore experiences no downtime.
Some of the other products available in the site includes a rain water storage systems that can tapped for plant watering and other purposes, solar bags to power laptops and other gadgets and most notably, environmentally friendly furniture that were manufactured using energy efficient processes. By the way, the company is giving a 10% opening discount to all those who will use the COUPON CODE: GREEN10 until Dec 31, 2007.
The website also contains numerous tips on how to save and efficiently utilize energy, protect the environment and regular environmental updates. With its environmentally focused products and business practices, Greenandmore is worthy of mention as a wonderful site especially in this modern time.