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Showing posts from April, 2012

Gunslingers of Today

I once saw a guy wear a Cowboy Hat designed safety head gear in a construction site and I find it quite cool. In most of the real world, cowboys are mainly remembered as the horse riding and gun slinging gringo who shot Indians out to rob them. This is mainly because of the Hollywood movies that got international release. I hope that the cow boy mentality in the movies stays there and does not get into international diplomacy.

Massive Reforestation Programs

Looking at my planter box reminds me of a TV documentary about an attempt at a massive reforestation effort. The principals of the program determined that people making excursions at the forests and planting it with seedlings will not actually help reverse the rate our forests are being denuded.  They figured that there should be a way to airdrop huge amount of seedlings that will get directly embedded in the soil. This will be faster, more efficient and effective at a massive scale.

Walkers when he's out

We were talking about walkers for seniors when I remembered Bernie Madoff. The guy was sentenced to a long jail term and he’s not young at all anymore. I wonder if he will really have to serve his sentence at full length or if he will be given credits and be allowed to leave after a few years. The guy is far from being a saint. His sons who turned him in say he confessed to a massive Ponzi scheme. Still, I can’t help but wonder when he will be out.

Where Can I Find a Good One?

I wonder if there are good tool aprons in my local hardware store. I spent a good deal of money buying nice tools and it would be a shame if I will lose any of it because I don’t have a good tool apron. Possibly damaging those tools due to accidental droppings is also a possibility so it’s really important that I get myself a good tool apron.