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Showing posts from April, 2008

Add This to Your List of Advices

For all the sins committed because of youthful exuberance, a pineapple face is one of the worst punishments that can ever be imposed. Sans effective good acne treatment , one will have to endure a lifetime of embarrassment unless later on remedied by an expensive surgery. As a parent can only say with utmost effectiveness, take good care of your skin. You will thank us for that later on.

Making things easier

Ahh, the wonders of technology! I found it quite stressful attaching large documents to my official emails. The attaching periods can take a long time and my work momentum gets sidetracked. It's a good thing that I was thought how to install and use a filezilla file transfer protocol. Now, I only need to compress all the days work into a batch file and send it to client offices without any delay in what I am doing.


Thinking about possible upgrades for my Mom’s home, I thought of getting her a bath lift when she no longer has her full strength. Buying it this early may be offensive for her and knowing that she’s started to get old, I believe that she can be quite sensitive. The best thing for me to do at this point is plan for her old age which is like preparing for my own afternoon. Just like you, I will get there, sooner than I think!

Smart Procurement

With the rapid advances in technology, it may actually be possible to prolong purchases of gadgets for a few months and be able to get it at a huge discount. Take for example the usb flash drive . This wonderful gadgets that are smaller than your thumb but can store the contents of all your encyclopedias at home keeps on coming with better versions every few months. Holding on to your money for a few months will make you save a lot of money. Trust me!


When wanting to add gadgets in your inventory there is an online store where you can find almost anything at prices making it your best buy . I was looking for a WiFi router and was pleasantly surprised at the price that I got. In addition, I also found a powerful iPod speaker system that comes with handsome rebate. Some say that when things are too good to be true, it most probably is. My source, in my experience, doesn’t belong to that group.


In a benefit concert where the cheapest tickets, $125 and $250, sold out quickly, Elton John performed in a fund raising concert that raised 2.5 million for Hillary Clinton. The other seats were filled by fans paying as much as $2,300, the limit for an individual's contribution to a federal candidate. -- WHOA! Perhaps, Obama can also get Michael Jackson to sell his secret skin whitening cream and donate the money to the campaign.


Charlton Heston, more popularly known for his role as Ben-Hur,Moses, Michelangelo, El Cid and other heroic figures in movie epics of the '50s and '60s, has died at the age of 84. I don't agree with everything that he stands for and he didn't make much of impression to until I've read his speech in Harvard. I am quoting it in full for you to read, if you haven't, by this time. I like this guy. God bless you, Charlton Heston. I remember my son when he was five, explaining to his kindergarten class what his father did for a living. "My Daddy," he said, "pretends to be people." There have been quite a few of them. Prophets from the Old and New Testaments, a couple of Christian saints, generals of various nationalities and different centuries, several kings, three American presidents, a French cardinal and two geniuses, including Michelangelo. If you want the ceiling re-painted I'll do my best. There always seem to be a lot of different fellow...

Women Leaders

The image of the women leader of today is a far cry from what the world had yesterday. I still remember the Imelda Marcos of the Philippines with her expensive toilets and other bathroom vanities - drums of expensive soap, enough to last for several years. Little did she know that later on toilet papers with her face printed on it will become best sellers. I also remember seeing a tape of battery powered Mercedes benz convertible for her grade school grand kids, etc, etc.. Today, the image of women leaders that comes to mind are battle hardened platoon leaders and company commanders, generals and court justices. The difference between then and now is really really huge.

Microsoft refuses to increase bid for Yahoo

"Why would Microsoft bid against themselves? The company sees no reason to bid against itself," This summarizes the company's position as Microsoft revealed that it sees no point in increasing the $44.6 billion offer that it made to acquire Please read more in this link